
Winexe远程在Windows上执行命令NT / 2000 / XP的GNU / Linux操作系统(也可能从能够建立在Samba 4软件包的其它UNIX系统中)/ 2003系统。 资料来源:

Winexe首页 | 卡利Winexe回购

  • 作者:安杰Hajda
  • 许可:GPLv3的

    0x01 包含在winexe软件包工具

    winexe - Windows的远程命令执行

    :~# winexe --help
    winexe version 1.1
    This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3
    Usage: winexe [OPTION]... //HOST COMMAND
    -?, --help                                  Display help message
    -U, --user=[DOMAIN/]USERNAME[%PASSWORD]     Set the network username
    -A, --authentication-file=FILE              Get the credentials from a file
    -k, --kerberos=STRING                       Use Kerberos, -k [yes|no]
    -d, --debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL                 Set debug level
        --uninstall                             Uninstall winexe service after remote execution
        --reinstall                             Reinstall winexe service before remote execution
        --system                                Use SYSTEM account
        --profile                               Load user profile
        --convert                               Try to convert characters between local and remote code-pages
        --runas=[DOMAIN\]USERNAME%PASSWORD      Run as user (BEWARE: password is sent in cleartext over net)
        --runas-file=FILE                       Run as user options defined in a file
        --interactive=0|1                       Desktop interaction: 0 - disallow, 1 - allow. If you allow use
                                                also --system switch (Win requirement). Vista do not support
                                                this option.
        --ostype=0|1|2                          OS type: 0 - 32-bit, 1 - 64-bit, 2 - winexe will decide.
                                                Determines which version (32-bit or 64-bit) of service will be

    0x02 winexe用法示例

    在给定的凭据 (-U“管理员%s3cr3t”), 连接到远程服务器 (//, 并执行给定的命令 (“CMD.EXE / C的回声”,这是在Windows上运行“”):

 :~# winexe -U 'Administrator%s3cr3t' // 'cmd.exe /c echo "this is running on windows"' 
"this is running on windows"


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