
p0f的是利用复杂的,纯粹被动流量指纹机制的阵列,以确定后面任何附带的TCP / IP通信的播放器(经​​常低至单个正常SYN)不会干扰以任何方式的工具。第3版是原代码库的一个完全重写,结合了显著一些改进网络级的指纹,并推出推理应用级负载(如HTTP)的能力。 一些p0f的的功能包括:

  • Highly scalable and extremely fast identification of the operating system and software on both endpoints of a vanilla TCP connection – especially in settings where NMap probes are blocked, too slow, unreliable, or would simply set off alarms.
  • Measurement of system uptime and network hookup, distance (including topology behind NAT or packet filters), user language preferences, and so on.
  • Automated detection of connection sharing / NAT, load balancing, and application-level proxying setups.
  • Detection of clients and servers that forge declarative statements such as X-Mailer or User-Agent. The tool can be operated in the foreground or as a daemon, and offers a simple real-time API for third-party components that wish to obtain additional information about the actors they are talking to. Common uses for p0f include reconnaissance during penetration tests; routine network monitoring; detection of unauthorized network interconnects in corporate environments; providing signals for abuse-prevention tools; and miscellanous forensics. Source: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/p0f3/

p0f Homepage | Kali p0f Repo

  • Author: Michal Zalewski
  • License: LGPL-2

    0x01 Tools included in the p0f package

    p0f – Passive OS fingerprinting tool
    :~# p0f -h
    --- p0f 3.06b by Michal Zalewski <
    > ---
    ./p0f: invalid option -- 'h'
    Usage: p0f [ ...options... ] [ 'filter rule' ]
    Network interface options:
    -i iface  - listen on the specified network interface
    -r file   - read offline pcap data from a given file
    -p        - put the listening interface in promiscuous mode
    -L        - list all available interfaces
    Operating mode and output settings:
    -f file   - read fingerprint database from 'file' (p0f.fp)
    -o file   - write information to the specified log file
    -s name   - answer to API queries at a named unix socket
    -u user   - switch to the specified unprivileged account and chroot
    -d        - fork into background (requires -o or -s)
    Performance-related options:
    -S limit  - limit number of parallel API connections (20)
    -t c,h    - set connection / host cache age limits (30s,120m)
    -m c,h    - cap the number of active connections / hosts (1000,10000)
    Optional filter expressions (man tcpdump) can be specified in the command
    line to prevent p0f from looking at incidental network traffic.
    Problems? You can reach the author at <

    0x02 p0f Usage Example

    Use interface eth0 (-i eth0) in promiscuous mode (-p) , saving the results to a file (-o /tmp/p0f.log) :
    :~# p0f -i eth0 -p -o /tmp/p0f.log
    --- p0f 3.07b by Michal Zalewski <
    > ---
    [+] Closed 1 file descriptor.
    [+] Loaded 320 signatures from 'p0f.fp'.
    [+] Intercepting traffic on interface 'eth0'.
    [+] Default packet filtering configured [+VLAN].
    [+] Log file '/tmp/p0f.log' opened for writing.
    [+] Entered main event loop.
    .-[ -> (syn) ]-
    | client   =
    | os       = Linux 2.2.x-3.x
    | dist     = 0
    | params   = generic
    | raw_sig  = 4:64+0:0:1460:mss*20,10:mss,sok,ts,nop,ws:df,id+:0


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