

  • MD4 - RFC 1320
  • MD5 - RFC 1321
  • SHA1 - RFC 3174(FIPS 180-3)
  • SHA224 - RFC 3874(FIPS 180-3)
  • SHA256 - FIPS 180-3
  • SHA3​​84 - FIPS 180-3
  • SHA512 - FIPS 180-3
  • RMD160 - RFC 2857
  • GOST - RFC 583
  • 惠而浦 - ISO / IEC 10118-3:2004
  • LM - 的Microsoft Windows散列NTLM - 的Microsoft Windows哈希
  • MYSQL - MySQL的3,4,5散列
  • CISCO7 - 思科IOS型7加密密码
  • JUNIPER - 瞻博网络$ $ 9加密密码
  • LDAP_MD5 - MD5 Base64编码
  • LDAP_SHA1 - SHA1 Base64编码 资料来源:

findmyhash首页 | 卡利findmyhash回购

  • 作者:JulGor
  • 许可:GPLv3的

    0x01 包含在findmyhash包工具

    findmyhash - 破解哈希在线服务 ```bash

    :~# findmyhash /usr/bin/findmyhash 1.1.2 ( ) Usage:

python /usr/bin/findmyhash OPTIONS

Accepted algorithms are:

MD4 - RFC 1320 MD5 - RFC 1321 SHA1 - RFC 3174 (FIPS 180-3) SHA224 - RFC 3874 (FIPS 180-3) SHA256 - FIPS 180-3 SHA384 - FIPS 180-3 SHA512 - FIPS 180-3 RMD160 - RFC 2857 GOST - RFC 5831 WHIRLPOOL - ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004 LM - Microsoft Windows hash NTLM - Microsoft Windows hash MYSQL - MySQL 3, 4, 5 hash CISCO7 - Cisco IOS type 7 encrypted passwords JUNIPER - Juniper Networks $9$ encrypted passwords LDAP_MD5 - MD5 Base64 encoded LDAP_SHA1 - SHA1 Base64 encoded NOTE: for LM / NTLM it is recommended to introduce both values with this format: python /usr/bin/findmyhash LM -h 9a5760252b7455deaad3b435b51404ee:0d7f1f2bdeac6e574d6e18ca85fb58a7 python /usr/bin/findmyhash NTLM -h 9a5760252b7455deaad3b435b51404ee:0d7f1f2bdeac6e574d6e18ca85fb58a7

Valid OPTIONS are:

-h If you only want to crack one hash, specify its value with this option. -f If you have several hashes, you can specify a file with one hash per line. NOTE: All of them have to be the same type. -g If your hash cannot be cracked, search it in Google and show all the results. NOTE: This option ONLY works with -h (one hash input) option.


-> Try to crack only one hash. python /usr/bin/findmyhash MD5 -h 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 -> Try to crack a JUNIPER encrypted password escaping special characters. python /usr/bin/findmyhash JUNIPER -h "$9$LbHX-wg4Z" -> If the hash cannot be cracked, it will be searched in Google. python /usr/bin/findmyhash LDAP_SHA1 -h "{SHA}cRDtpNCeBiql5KOQsKVyrA0sAiA=" -g -> Try to crack multiple hashes using a file (one hash per line). python /usr/bin/findmyhash MYSQL -f mysqlhashesfile.txt


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## 0x02  findmyhash用法示例
指定的哈希算法 *(MD5),* 
试图破解给出 *的hash(-h 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6):* 


 :~# findmyhash MD5 -h 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6
Cracking hash: 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6
Analyzing with md5online (
***** HASH CRACKED!! *****
The original string is: test
The following hashes were cracked:
098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 -> test


results matching ""

    No results matching ""