
的VoIP Hopper是一个GPLv3的许可的安全工具,用C写的,也迅速运行VLAN合到语音VLAN上的特定以太网交换机。 VoIP的料斗通过模拟IP电话的行为,在思科,AVAYA,北电网络和阿尔卡特朗讯的环境中做到这一点。这需要为了遍历VLAN内进行未经授权的访问工具的两个重要步骤。首先,发现使用的IP电话正确的12位语音VLAN ID(VVID)是必需的。 VoIP的料斗支持多种协议的发现方法(CDP,DHCP,LLDP-MED,802.1Q ARP)这一重要的第一步。其次,该工具创建的操作系统上的虚拟VoIP的以太网接口。然后,它把包含12位VVID成伪造DHCP请求伪造4个字节的802.1Q VLAN头。一旦收到在VoIP VLAN子网的IP地址,所有后续的以太网帧“标记”与欺骗802.1Q头。的VoIP Hopper是一个VLAN合测试工具,也是一个工具来测试VoIP基础设施的安全性。 资料来源:http://voiphopper.sourceforge.net/details.html

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  • 作者:贾森·奥斯特罗姆
  • 许可:GPLv3的

    0x01 包含在voiphopper包工具

    voiphopper - 运行一个VLAN跳跃的安全测试

    :~# voiphopper -h
    VoIP Hopper Extended Usage:
    Miscellaneous Options:
      -l (list available interfaces for CDP sniffing, then exit)
      Example:  voiphopper -l
      -m (Spoof the MAC Address, then exit)
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
      -d (Delete the VLAN Interface, then exit)
      Example:  voiphopper -d eth0.200
      -V (Print the VoIP Hopper version, then exit)
      Example:  voiphopper -V
    MAC Address Spoofing Options (used with -a, -v, or -c options):
      -m (Spoof the MAC Address of existing interface, and new Interface)
      -D -m (Spoof the MAC Address of only new Voice Interface)
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -D -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
    CDP Sniff Mode (-c 0)
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -c 0
    CDP Spoof Mode (-c 1):
      -E <string> (Device ID)
      -P <string> (Port ID)
      -C <string> (Capabilities)
      -L <string> (Platform)
      -S <string> (Software)
      -U <string> (Duplex)
    Example Usage for SIP Firmware Phone:
    voiphopper -i eth0 -c 1 -E 'SIP00070EEA5086' -P 'Port 1' -C Host -L 'Cisco IP Phone 7940' -S 'P003-08-8-00' -U 1
    Example Usage for SCCP Firmware Phone:
    voiphopper -i eth0 -c 1 -E 'SEP0070EEA5086' -P 'Port 1' -C Host -L 'Cisco IP Phone 7940' -S 'P00308000700' -U 1
    Example Usage for Phone with MAC Spoofing:
    voiphopper -i eth0 -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86 -c 1 -E 'SEP00070EEA5086' -P 'Port 1' -C Host -L 'Cisco IP Phone 7940' -S 'P003-08-8-00' -U 1
    Avaya DHCP Option Mode (-a):
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -a
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -a -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
    VLAN Hop Mode (-v VLAN ID):
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -v 200
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -v 200 -D -m 00:07:0E:EA:50:86
    Alcatel VLAN Discovery (-t 0|1|2):
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -t 0
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -t 1
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -t 0 -m 00:80:9f:ad:42:42
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -t 1 -m 00:80:9f:ad:42:42
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -t 2 -v 800
      Example:  voiphopper -i eth0 -t 2 -v 800 -m 00:80:9f:ad:42:42

    0x02 voiphopper用法示例

    :~# voiphopper -i eth0 -z
    VoIP Hopper assessment mode ~ Select 'q' to quit and 'h' for help menu.
    Main Sniffer:  capturing packets on eth0
    Analyzing ARP packets on default interface: eth0
    New host #1 learned on eth0: (MAC): 78:ca:39:fe:0b:4c   (IP):
    New host #2 learned on eth0: (MAC): 60:6b:bd:5a:b6:6c   (IP):
    New host #3 learned on eth0: (MAC): 40:6c:8f:1b:cb:90   (IP):
    Disabling analysis of ARP packets on default interface:  eth0


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