
SBD是Netcat的克隆,设计为可移植并提供强大的加密。它运行在Unix类操作系统和微软的Win32。 SBD使用了AES-CBC-128 + HMAC-SHA1加密(由Christophe迪瓦恩),程序执行(-e选项),选择源端口,连续重联的延迟,和其他一些不错的功能。 SBD只支持TCP / IP通信。

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  • 作者:米歇尔·Blomgren
  • 许可:GPL第二版


    SBD - 安全后门为Linux和Windows

    :~# sbd -h
    sbd 1.37 Copyright (C) 2004 Michel Blomgren <
    $Id: sbd.c,v 1.37 2005/08/21 22:40:47 shadow Exp $
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
    Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
    connect (tcp): sbd [-options] host port
    listen (tcp):  sbd -l -p port [-options]
      -l          listen for incoming connection
      -p n        choose port to listen on, or source port to connect out from
      -a address  choose an address to listen on or connect out from
      -e prog     program to execute after connect (e.g. -e cmd.exe or -e bash)
      -r n        infinitely respawn/reconnect, pause for n seconds between
                  connection attempts. -r0 can be used to re-listen after
                  disconnect (just like a regular daemon)
      -c on|off   encryption on/off. specify whether you want to use the built-in
                  AES-CBC-128 + HMAC-SHA1 encryption implementation (by
                  Christophe Devine - or not
                  default is: -c on
      -k secret   override default phrase to use for encryption (secret must be
                  shared between client and server)
      -q          hush, quiet, don't print anything (overrides -v)
      -v          be verbose
      -n          toggle numeric-only IP addresses (don't do DNS resolution). if
                  you specify -n twice, original state will be active (i.e. -n
                  works like a on/off switch)
      -m          toggle monitoring (snooping) on/off (only used with the -e
                  option). snooping can also be turned on by specifying -vv (-v
                  two times)
      -P prefix   add prefix (+ a hardcoded separator) to all outbound data.
                  this option is mostly only useful for sbd in "chat mode" (to
                  prefix lines you send with your nickname)
      -H on|off   highlight incoming data with a hardcoded (color) escape
                  sequence (for e.g. chatting). default is: -H off
      -V          print version banner and exit (include that output in your
                  bug report and send bug report to 
    unix-like OS specific options:
      -s          invoke a shell, nothing else. if sbd is setuid 0, it'll invoke
                  a root shell
      -w n        "immobility timeout" in seconds for idle read/write operations
                  and program execution (the -e option)
      -D on|off   fork and run in background (daemonize). default: -D off

    0x01 SBD用法示例

    在服务器,侦听端口 4444(-p 4444)的连接 (-l)连接(-e bash)的 执行bash和没有名称解析 (-n) 显示详细输出 (-v)。 在客户端,连接到远程服务器的IP地址 ( 和端口 (4444)。

 :~# sbd -l -p 4444 -e bash -v -n
listening on port 4444

 :~# sbd 4444
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)


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