跨站“的编剧”(又名XSSer)是一个自动-framework-探测,开发和基于Web的应用程序报告XSS漏洞。它包含几个选项,试图绕过某些过滤器和代码注入的各种特殊的技术。 资料来源:http://xsser.sourceforge.net/
- 作者:PSY(epsylon)
0x01 包含在xsser包工具
xsser - XSS测试框架
:~# xsser -h Usage: xsser [OPTIONS] [-u <url> |-i <file> |-d <dork>] [-g <get> |-p <post> |-c <crawl>] [Request(s)] [Vector(s)] [Bypasser(s)] [Technique(s)] [Final Injection(s)] Cross Site "Scripter" is an automatic -framework- to detect, exploit and report XSS vulnerabilities in web-based applications. Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -s, --statistics show advanced statistics output results -v, --verbose active verbose mode output results --gtk launch XSSer GTK Interface (Wizard included!) *Special Features*: You can choose Vector(s) and Bypasser(s) to inject code with this extra special features: --imx=IMX create a false image with XSS code embedded --fla=FLASH create a false .swf file with XSS code embedded *Select Target(s)*: At least one of these options has to be specified to set the source to get target(s) urls from. You need to choose to run XSSer: -u URL, --url=URL Enter target(s) to audit -i READFILE Read target urls from a file -d DORK Process search engine dork results as target urls --De=DORK_ENGINE Search engine to use for dorking (bing, altavista, yahoo, baidu, yandex, youdao, webcrawler, google, etc. See dork.py file to check for available engines) *Select type of HTTP/HTTPS Connection(s)*: These options can be used to specify which parameter(s) we want to use like payload to inject code. -g GETDATA Enter payload to audit using GET (ex: '/menu.php?q=') -p POSTDATA Enter payload to audit using POST (ex: 'foo=1&bar=') -c CRAWLING Number of urls to crawl on target(s): 1-99999 --Cw=CRAWLER_WIDTH Deeping level of crawler: 1-5 --Cl Crawl only local target(s) urls (default TRUE) *Configure Request(s)*: These options can be used to specify how to connect to target(s) payload(s). You can choose multiple: --cookie=COOKIE Change your HTTP Cookie header --drop-cookie Ignore Set-Cookie header from response --user-agent=AGENT Change your HTTP User-Agent header (default SPOOFED) --referer=REFERER Use another HTTP Referer header (default NONE) --xforw Set your HTTP X-Forwarded-For with random IP values --xclient Set your HTTP X-Client-IP with random IP values --headers=HEADERS Extra HTTP headers newline separated --auth-type=ATYPE HTTP Authentication type (Basic, Digest, GSS or NTLM) --auth-cred=ACRED HTTP Authentication credentials (name:password) --proxy=PROXY Use proxy server (tor: http://localhost:8118) --ignore-proxy Ignore system default HTTP proxy --timeout=TIMEOUT Select your timeout (default 30) --retries=RETRIES Retries when the connection timeouts (default 1) --threads=THREADS Maximum number of concurrent HTTP requests (default 5) --delay=DELAY Delay in seconds between each HTTP request (default 0) --tcp-nodelay Use the TCP_NODELAY option --follow-redirects XSSer will follow server redirection responses (302) --follow-limit=FLI Set how many times XSSer will follow redirections (default 50) *Checker Systems*: This options are usefull to know if your target(s) have some filters against XSS attacks, to reduce 'false positive' results and to perform more advanced tests: --no-head NOT verify the stability of the url (codes: 200|302) with a HEAD pre-check request --alive=ISALIVE set limit of every how much errors XSSer must to verify that target is alive --hash send an unique hash, without vectors, to pre-check if target(s) repeats all content recieved --heuristic launch a heuristic testing to discover which parameters are filtered on target(s) code: ;\/<>"'= --checkaturl=ALT check for a valid XSS response from target(s) at an alternative url. 'blind XSS' --checkmethod=ALTM check responses from target(s) using a different connection type: GET or POST (default: GET) --checkatdata=ALD check responses from target(s) using an alternative payload (default: same than first injection) --reverse-check establish a reverse connection from target(s) to XSSer to certificate that is 100% vulnerable *Select Vector(s)*: These options can be used to specify a XSS vector source code to inject in each payload. Important, if you don't want to try to inject a common XSS vector, used by default. Choose only one option: --payload=SCRIPT OWN - Insert your XSS construction -manually- --auto AUTO - Insert XSSer 'reported' vectors from file (HTML5 vectors included!) *Select Bypasser(s)*: These options can be used to encode selected vector(s) to try to bypass possible anti-XSS filters on target(s) code and possible IPS rules, if the target use it. Also, can be combined with other techniques to provide encoding: --Str Use method String.FromCharCode() --Une Use Unescape() function --Mix Mix String.FromCharCode() and Unescape() --Dec Use Decimal encoding --Hex Use Hexadecimal encoding --Hes Use Hexadecimal encoding, with semicolons --Dwo Encode vectors IP addresses in DWORD --Doo Encode vectors IP addresses in Octal --Cem=CEM Try -manually- different Character Encoding Mutations (reverse obfuscation: good) -> (ex: 'Mix,Une,Str,Hex') *Special Technique(s)*: These options can be used to try to inject code using different type of XSS techniques. You can choose multiple: --Coo COO - Cross Site Scripting Cookie injection --Xsa XSA - Cross Site Agent Scripting --Xsr XSR - Cross Site Referer Scripting --Dcp DCP - Data Control Protocol injections --Dom DOM - Document Object Model injections --Ind IND - HTTP Response Splitting Induced code --Anchor ANC - Use Anchor Stealth payloader (DOM shadows!) --Phpids PHP - Exploit PHPIDS bug (0.6.5) to bypass filters *Select Final injection(s)*: These options can be used to specify the final code to inject in vulnerable target(s). Important, if you want to exploit on-the-wild your discovered vulnerabilities. Choose only one option: --Fp=FINALPAYLOAD OWN - Insert your final code to inject -manually- --Fr=FINALREMOTE REMOTE - Insert your final code to inject -remotelly- --Doss DOSs - XSS Denial of service (server) injection --Dos DOS - XSS Denial of service (client) injection --B64 B64 - Base64 code encoding in META tag (rfc2397) *Special Final injection(s)*: These options can be used to execute some 'special' injection(s) in vulnerable target(s). You can select multiple and combine with your final code (except with DCP code): --Onm ONM - Use onMouseMove() event to inject code --Ifr IFR - Use <iframe> source tag to inject code *Miscellaneous*: --silent inhibit console output results --update check for XSSer latest stable version --save output all results directly to template (XSSlist.dat) --xml=FILEXML output 'positives' to aXML file (--xml filename.xml) --short=SHORTURLS display -final code- shortered (tinyurl, is.gd) --launch launch a browser at the end with each XSS discovered --tweet publish each XSS discovered into the 'Grey Swarm!' --tweet-tags=TT add more tags to your XSS discovered publications (default: #xss) - (ex: #xsser #vulnerability)
0x02 xsser用法示例
:~# xsser --gtk