
WordPress的手指打印机工具,plecost搜索和检索有关安装在系统中的WordPress插件版本的信息。它可以分析一个URL或基于由谷歌索引的结果进行分析。此外显示每个插件有关,如果有CVE代码。 Plecost检索包含在由WordPress支持的Web站点的信息,并且还允许由谷歌索引的结果的搜索。 资料来源:

plecost首页 | 卡利plecost回购

  • 作者:弗朗西斯科耶稣戈麦斯,丹尼尔·加西亚·加西亚
  • 许可:GPLv3的

    0x01 包含在plecost包工具

    plecost ```bash

    :~# plecost -h //////////////////////////////////////////// // ..................................DMI... // .............................:MMMM...... // .........................$MMMMM:........ // .........M.....,M,=NMMMMMMMMD........... // ........MMN...MMMMMMMMMMMM,............. // .......MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~............... // .......MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.................. // ....?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN$I................. // .?.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............... // .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMN........................ // 7MMMMMMMMMMMMMON$....................... // ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.......plecost....... // .:MMMMMMMZ~7MMMMMMMMMO.................. // ....~+:................................. // // Plecost - Wordpress finger printer Tool (with threads support) 0.2.2-9-beta // // Developed by: // Francisco Jesus Gomez aka (

    ) // Daniel Garcia Garcia (

    ) // // Info: // Bug report:

Usage: /usr/bin/plecost [options] [ URL | [-l num] -G] Google search options: -l num : Limit number of results for each plugin in google. -G : Google search mode Options: -n : Number of plugins to use (Default all - more than 7000). -c : Check plugins only with CVE associated. -R file : Reload plugin list. Use -n option to control the size (This take several minutes) -o file : Output file. (Default "output.txt") -i file : Input plugin list. (Need to start the program) -s time : Min sleep time between two probes. Time in seconds. (Default 10) -M time : Max sleep time between two probes. Time in seconds. (Default 20) -t num : Number of threads. (Default 1) -h : Display help. (More info: Examples:

  • Reload first 5 plugins list:
    plecost -R plugins.txt -n 5
  • Search vulnerable sites for first 5 plugins:
    plecost -n 5 -G -i plugins.txt
  • Search plugins with 20 threads, sleep time between 12 and 30 seconds for

    plecost -i plugin_list.txt -s 12 -M 30 -t 20 -o results.txt


    0x02 plecost用法示例

    使用100 插件(-n 100),睡眠 持续10秒 探针(-s 10),但 不超过 15(-M 15) 之间,并使用插件列表 (-i /usr/share/plecost/wp_plugin_list.txt) 到扫描指定的 * URL(* : ```bash

    :~# plecost -n 100 -s 10 -M 15 -i /usr/share/plecost/wp_plugin_list.txt [*] Num of checks set to: 100

[] Input plugin list set to: /usr/share/plecost/wp_plugin_list.txt [] Min sleep time set to: 10

[*] Max sleep time set to: 15

==> Results for: <== [i] Wordpress version found: 3.9.1 [i] Wordpress last public version: 3.9.1 [*] Search for installed plugins [i] Plugin found: akismet |Latest version: 2.4.0 | Installed version: 3.0.0 |_CVE list: |CVE-2009-2334: ( |CVE-2007-2714: ( |CVE-2006-4743: ( |CVE-2009-2334: ( |CVE-2007-2714: ( |CVE-2006-4743: ( ```


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