
Webshag是一个多线程,多平台Web服务器审计工具。用Python编写的,它收集像网站的抓取,URL扫描或文件模糊测试Web服务器的审计中很常用的功能。 Webshag可以用来扫描在HTTP或HTTPS web服务器,通过代理,并使用HTTP认证(基本和摘要)。此外,它提出了创新的IDS躲避功能旨在使要求更复杂的相关性(例如,使用每个请求的HTTP代理服务器不同的随机)。 资料来源:http://www.scrt.ch/en/attack/downloads/webshag

Webshag首页 | 卡利Webshag回购

  • 作者:〜伤心〜,SCRT - 信息安全
  • 许可:GPLv3的

    0x01 包含在webshag包工具

    webshag-CLI - 多线程Web服务器审计工具(CLI)

    :~# webshag-cli -h
    Usage: webshag-cli [-U | [options] target(s)]
    --version       show program's version number and exit
    -h, --help      show this help message and exit
    -U              Update the URL scanner databases and exit
    -m MODULE       Use MODULE [pscan|info|spider|uscan|fuzz]. (default: uscan)
    -p PORT         Set target port to PORT. For modules uscan and fuzz PORT can
                    be a list of ports [port1,port2,...]. (default: 80)
    -r ROOT         Set root directory to ROOT. For modules uscan and fuzz ROOT
                    can be a list of directories [/root1/,/root2/,...].
                    (default: /)
    -k SKIP         *uscan only* Set a false positive detection string
    -s SERVER       *uscan only* Bypass server detection and force server as
    -i SPIDER_INIT  *spider) only* Set spider initial crawling page (default: /)
    -n FUZZ_MODE    *fuzz only* Choose the fuzzing mode [list|gen]. (default:
    -e FUZZ_CFG     *fuzz / list only* Set the fuzzing parameters for list mode.
                    11 = fuzz directories and files; 01 = fuzz files only; 10 =
                    fuzz directories only; 00 = fuzz nothing. (default: 11)
    -g FUZZ_GEN     *fuzz / gen only* Set the filename generator expression.
                    Refer to documentation for syntax reference. (default: )
    -x              Export a report summarizing results.
    -o OUTPUT       Set the format of the exported report. [xml|html|txt].
                    (default: html)
    -f OUTPUT_FILE  Write report to FILE. (default: webshag_report.html)

    0x02 webshag贵 - 多线程Web服务器审计工具(GUI)


    0x03 webshag-CLI用法示例

    运行在远程IP地址 ( 端口扫描 (-m PSCAN):

 :~# webshag-cli -m pscan
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% webshag 1.10
% Module: pscan
% Host:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% PORT %    22 (tcp)
% SRVC %    ssh
% PROD %    OpenSSH
% SYST %    Linux
% PORT %    80 (tcp)
% SRVC %    http
% PROD %    Apache httpd
% PORT %    9876 (tcp)
% SRVC %    http
% PROD %    Apache httpd
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0x04 webshag贵用法示例

 :~# webshag-gui



results matching ""

    No results matching ""