
2006年9月的时间表 - 一个工具插入音频到一个指定的音频(如RTP)流是在8月创建的。该工具被命名为rtpinsertsound。经测试在Linux红帽的Fedora Core 4平台(奔腾IV,2.5千兆赫),但预计该工具将成功建立和各种Linux发行版执行。 资料来源:rtpinsertsound自述

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  • 作者:马克D.科利尔,马克·奥布莱恩,SecureLogix,达斯汀D.特拉梅尔
  • 许可:GNU自由文档许可证

    0x01 包含在rtpinsertsound包工具

    rtpinsertsound - 插入音频到一个指定的流

    :~# rtpinsertsound -h
    rtpinsertsound - Version 2.0
                   October 10, 2006
    Mandatory -
      pathname of file whose audio is to be mixed into the
          targeted live audio stream. If the file extension is
          .wav, then the file must be a standard Microsoft
          RIFF formatted WAVE file meeting these constraints:
            1) header 'chunks' must be in one of two sequences:
                 RIFF, fmt, fact, data
                 RIFF, fmt, data
            2) Compression Code = 1 (PCM/Uncompressed)
            3) Number of Channels = 1 (mono)
            4) Sample Rate (Hz) = 8000
            5) Significant Bits/Sample =
                    signed,   linear 16-bit or
                    unsigned, linear  8-bit
          If the file name does not specify a .wav extension,
          then the file is presumed to be a tcpdump formatted
          file with a sequence of, exclusively, G.711 u-law
          RTP/UDP/IP/ETHERNET messages
          Note: Yep, the format is referred to as 'tcpdump'
                even though this file must contain udp messages
    Optional -
      -a source RTP IPv4 addr
      -A source RTP port
      -b destination RTP IPv4 addr
      -B destination RTP port
      -f spoof factor - amount by which to:
           a) increment the RTP hdr sequence number obtained
              from the ith legitimate packet to produce the
              RTP hdr sequence number for the ith spoofed packet
           b) multiply the RTP payload length and add that
              product to the RTP hdr timestamp obtained from
              the ith legitimate packet to produce the RTP hdr
              timestamp for the ith spoofed packet
           c) increment the IP hdr ID number obtained from the
              ith legitimate packet to produce the IP hdr ID
              number for the ith spoofed packet
         [ range: +/- 1000, default: 2 ]
      -i interface (e.g. eth0)
      -j jitter factor - the reception of a legitimate RTP
           packet in the target audio stream enables the output
           of the next spoofed packet. This factor determines
           when that spoofed packet is actually transmitted.
           The factor relates how close to the next legitimate
           packet you'd actually like the enabled spoofed packet
           to be transmitted. For example, -j 10 means 10% of
           the codec's transmission interval. If the transmission
           interval = 20,000 usec (i.e. G.711), then delay the
           output of the spoofed RTP packet until the time-of-day
           is within 2000 usec (i.e. 10%) of the time the next
           legitimate RTP packet is expected. In other words,
           delay 100% minus the jitter factor, or 18,000 usec
           in this example. The smaller the jitter factor, the
           greater the risk you run of not outputting the current
           spoofed packet before the next legitimate RTP packet
           is received. Therefore, a factor > 10 is advised.
         [ range: 0 - 80, default: 80 = output spoof ASAP ]
      -p seconds to pause between setup and injection
      -h help - print this usage
      -v verbose output mode
    Note: If you are running the tool from a host with multiple
        ethernet interfaces which are up, be forewarned that
        the order those interfaces appear in your route table
        and the networks accessible from those interfaces might
        compel Linux to output spoofed audio packets to an
        interface different than the one stipulated by you on
        command line. This should not affect the tool unless
        those spoofed packets arrive back at the host through
        the interface you have specified on the command line
        (e.g. the interfaces have connectivity through a hub).

    0x02 rtpinsertsound用法示例

    通过网络将音频 文件(/usr/share/rtpinsertsound/stapler.wav),并使用 详细输出 (-v):

 :~# rtpinsertsound /usr/share/rtpinsertsound/stapler.wav -v
Targeting interface eth0
libfindrtp_find_rtp(): using pcap filter "ip".


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