
一个完整的工具集来攻击IPv6和ICMP6的固有的协议的弱点,并包括一个易于使用的数据包厂库。 资料来源:

THC-IPV6首页 | 卡利THC-IPV6回购

  • 作者:黑客的选择
  • 许可:AGPLv3

    0x01 包含在THC-IPv6的封装工具 - 测试IPv4的目标具有动态6to4隧道活跃

    Syntax: /usr/bin/ interface ipv4address
    This little script tests if the IPv4 target has a dynamic 6to4 tunnel active
    Requires address6 and thcping6 from thc-ipv6

    0x02 address6 - Mac或IPv4地址到IPv6地址转换

    :~# address6
    address6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
      address6 mac-address [ipv6-prefix]
      address6 ipv4-address [ipv6-prefix]
      address6 ipv6-address
    Converts a mac or ipv4 address to an ipv6 address (link local if no prefix is
    given as 2nd option) or, when given an ipv6 address, prints the mac or ipv4
    address. Prints all possible variations. Returns -1 on errors or the number of
    variations found

    0x03 alive6 - 显示在该段中的地址活

    :~# alive6
    alive6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: alive6 [-I srcip6] [-i file] [-o file] [-DM] [-p] [-F] [-e opt] [-s port,..] [-a port,..] [-u port,..] [-W TIME] [-dlrvS] interface [unicast-or-multicast-address [remote-router]]
    Shows alive addresses in the segment. If you specify a remote router, the
    packets are sent with a routing header prefixed by fragmentation
    -i file    check systems from input file
    -o file    write results to output file
    -M         enumerate hardware addresses (MAC) from input addresses (slow!)
    -D         enumerate DHCP address space from input addresses
    -p         send a ping packet for alive check (default)
    -e dst,hop send an errornous packets: destination (default), hop-by-hop
    -s port,port,..  TCP-SYN packet to ports for alive check
    -a port,port,..  TCP-ACK packet to ports for alive check
    -u port,port,..  UDP packet to ports for alive check
    -d         DNS resolve alive ipv6 addresses
    -n number  how often to send each packet (default: local 1, remote 2)
    -W time    time in ms to wait after sending a packet (default: 1)
    -S         slow mode, get best router for each remote target or when proxy-NA
    -I srcip6  use the specified IPv6 address as source
    -l         use link-local address instead of global address
    -v         verbose (twice: detailed information, thrice: dumping all packets)
    Target address on command line or in input file can include ranges in the form
    of 2001:db8::1-fff or 2001:db8::1-2:0-ffff:0:0-ffff, etc.
    Returns -1 on errors, 0 if a system was found alive or 1 if nothing was found.

    0x04 covert_send6 - 发送文件的内容隐蔽目标

    :~# covert_send6
    covert_send6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: covert_send6 [-m mtu] [-k key] [-s resend] interface target file [port]
    -m mtu     specifies the maximum MTU (default: interface MTU, min: 1000)
    -k key     encrypt the content with Blowfish-160
    -s resend  send each packet RESEND number of times, default: 1
    Sends the content of FILE covertly to the target, And its POC - dont except
    too much sophistication - its just put into the destination header.

    0x05 covert_send6d - 写暗里接收的内容以文件

    :~# covert_send6d
    covert_send6d v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: covert_send6d [-k key] interface file
    -k key     decrypt the content with Blowfish-160
    Writes covertly received content to FILE.

    0x06 denial6 - 执行各种拒绝服务攻击的目标

    0x07 检测-新IP6 - 该工具检测到新的IPv6地址加入局域网

    :~# detect-new-ip6
    detect-new-ip6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: detect-new-ip6 interface [script]
    This tools detects new ipv6 addresses joining the local network.
    If script is supplied, it is executed with the detected IPv6 address as first
    and the interface as second command line option.

    0x08 detect_sniffer6 - 测试本地局域网上的系统嗅探

    :~# detect_sniffer6
    detect_sniffer6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: detect_sniffer6 interface [target6]
    Tests if systems on the local LAN are sniffing.
    Works against Windows, Linux, OS/X and *BSD
    If no target is given, the link-local-all-nodes address is used, which
    however rarely works.

    0x09 dnsdict6 - 枚举DNS条目域

    :~# dnsdict6
    dnsdict6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: dnsdict6 [-d46] [-s|-m|-l|-x] [-t THREADS] [-D] domain [dictionary-file]
    Enumerates a domain for DNS entries, it uses a dictionary file if supplied
    or a built-in list otherwise. This tool is based on dnsmap by
    -4      also dump IPv4 addresses
    -t NO   specify the number of threads to use (default: 8, max: 32).
    -D      dump the selected built-in wordlist, no scanning.
    -d      display IPv6 information on NS and MX DNS domain information.
    -S      perform SRV service name guessing
    -[smlx] choose the dictionary size by -s(mall=50), -m(edium=796) (DEFAULT)
             -l(arge=1416), or -x(treme=3211)

    0x10 dnsrevenum6 - 执行快速反向DNS枚举,并能应付较慢的服务器

    :~# dnsrevenum6
    dnsrevenum6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: dnsrevenum6 dns-server ipv6address
    Performs a fast reverse DNS enumeration and is able to cope with slow servers.
    dnsrevenum6 2001:db8:42a8::/48

    0x11 dnssecwalk - 执行DNSSEC NSEC行走

    :~# dnssecwalk
    dnssecwalk v1.2 (c) 2013 by Marc Heuse <
    Syntax: dnssecwalk [-e46] dns-server domain
    -e  ensure that the domain is present in found addresses, quit otherwise
    -4  resolve found entries to IPv4 addresses
    -6  resolve found entries to IPv6 addresses
    Perform DNSSEC NSEC walking.
    Example: dnssecwalk

    0x12 - 如果指定目标的多播地址将首先被丢弃

    Syntax: /usr/bin/ [-2] interface [target-link-local-address multicast-address]
    If specified, the multicast address of the target will be dropped first.
    All multicast traffic will cease after a while.
    Specify -2 to use MLDv2.

    0x13 DOS的新IP6 - 这个工具可以防止新的IPv6接口上来

    :~# dos-new-ip6
    dos-new-ip6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: dos-new-ip6 interface
    This tools prevents new ipv6 interfaces to come up, by sending answers to
    duplicate ip6 checks (DAD). This results in a DOS for new ipv6 devices.

    0x14 dump_router6 - 转储所有本地路由器和他们的信息

    :~# dump_router6
    dump_router6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: dump_router6 interface
    Dumps all local routers and their information

    0x15 exploit6 - 执行各种CVE Ipv6的漏洞的攻击的目标

    :~# exploit6
    exploit6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: exploit6 interface destination [test-case-number]
    Performs exploits of various CVE known IPv6 vulnerabilities on the destination
    Note that for exploitable overflows only 'AAA...' strings are used.
    If a system is vulnerable, it will crash, so be careful!

    0x16 - 打印IPv6地址的主机部分的文件

    /usr/bin/ FILE
    prints the host parts of IPv6 addresses in FILE

    0x17 - 打印在文件中找到的网络

    /usr/bin/ FILE
    prints the networks found in FILE

    0x18 fake_advertise6 - 广告网络上的IPv6地址

    :~# fake_advertise6
    fake_advertise6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_advertise6 [-DHF] [-Ors] [-n count] [-w seconds] interface ip-address-advertised [target-address [mac-address-advertised [source-ip-address]]]
    Advertise ipv6 address on the network (with own mac if not specified),
    sending it to the all-nodes multicast address if no target address is set.
    Source ip addresss is the address advertised if not set.
    Sending options:
    -n count    send how many packets (default: forever)
    -w seconds  wait time between the packets sent (default: 5)
    Flag options:
    -O  do NOT set the override flag (default: on)
    -r  DO set the router flag (default: off)
    -s  DO set the solicitate flag (default: off)
    ND Security evasion options (can be combined):
    -H  add a hop-by-hop header
    -F  add a one shot fragment header (can be specified multiple times)
    -D  add a large destination header which fragments the packet.

    0x19 fake_dhcps6 - 伪造DHCPv6服务器

    :~# fake_dhcps6
    fake_dhcps6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_dhcps6 interface network-address/prefix-length dns-server [dhcp-server-ip-address [mac-address]]
    Fake DHCPv6 server. Use to configure an address and set a DNS server

    0x20 fake_dns6d - 服务于同一IPv6地址的任何查���请求伪造DNS服务器

    :~# fake_dns6d
    fake_dns6d v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_dns6d interface ipv6-address [fake-ipv6-address [fake-mac]]
    Fake DNS server that serves the same ipv6 address to any lookup request
    You can use this together with parasite6 if clients have a fixed DNS server
    Note: very simple server. Does not honor multiple queries in a packet, norNS, MX, etc. lookups.

    0x21 fake_dnsupdate6 - 假的DNS更新

    :~# fake_dnsupdate6
    fake_dnsupdate6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_dnsupdate6 dns-server full-qualified-host-dns-name ipv6address
    Example: fake_dnsupdate6 ::1

    0x22 fake_mipv6 - 将重定向所有数据包的家庭地址,转交地址,

    :~# fake_mipv6
    fake_mipv6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_mipv6 interface home-address home-agent-address care-of-address
    If the mobile IPv6 home-agent is mis-configured to accept MIPV6 updates without
    IPSEC, this will redirect all packets for home-address to care-of-address

    0x23 fake_mld26

    :~# fake_mld26
    fake_mld26 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_mld26 [-l] interface add|delete|query [multicast-address [target-address [ttl [own-ip [own-mac-address [destination-mac-address]]]]]]
    This uses the MLDv2 protocol. Only a subset of what the protocol is able to
    do is possible to implement via a command line. Code it if you need something.
    Ad(d)vertise or delete yourself - or anyone you want - in a multicast group of your choice
    Query ask on the network who is listening to multicast addresses
    Use -l to loop and send (in 5s intervals) until Control-C is pressed.

    0x24 fake_mld6 - 广告(D)vertise或删除自己 - 或者任何你想

    :~# fake_mld6
    fake_mld6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_mld6 [-l] interface add|delete|query [multicast-address [target-address [ttl [own-ip [own-mac-address [destination-mac-address]]]]]]
    Ad(d)vertise or delete yourself - or anyone you want - in a multicast group of your choice
    Query ask on the network who is listening to multicast addresses
    Use -l to loop and send (in 5s intervals) until Control-C is pressed.

    0x25 fake_mldrouter6 - 宣布,删除或soliciated MLD路由器

    :~# fake_mldrouter6
    fake_mldrouter6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_mldrouter6 [-l] interface advertise|solicitate|terminate [own-ip [own-mac-address]]
    Announce, delete or soliciated MLD router - yourself or others.
    Use -l to loop and send (in 5s intervals) until Control-C is pressed.

    0x26 fake_pim6

    :~# fake_pim6
    fake_pim6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    fake_pim6 [-t ttl] [-s src6] [-d dst6] interface hello [dr_priority]
    fake_pim6 [-t ttl] [-s src6] [-d dst6] interface join|prune neighbor6 multicast6 target6
    The hello command takes optionally the DR priority (default: 0).
    The join and prune commands need the multicast group to modify, the target
    address that joins or leavs and the neighbor PIM router
    Use -s to spoof the source ip6, -d to send to another address than ff02::d,
    and -t to set a different TTL (default: 1)

    0x27 fake_router26 - 宣布自己作为一个路由器,并尝试成为默认路由器

    :~# fake_router26
    fake_router26 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_router26 [-E type] [-A network/prefix] [-R network/prefix] [-D dns-server] [-s sourceip] [-S sourcemac] [-ardl seconds] [-Tt ms] [-n no] [-i interval] interface
    -A network/prefix  add autoconfiguration network (up to 16 times)
    -a seconds         valid lifetime of prefix -A (defaults to 99999)
    -R network/prefix  add a route entry (up to 16 times)
    -r seconds         route entry lifetime of -R (defaults to 4096)
    -D dns-server      specify a DNS server (up to 16 times)
    -L searchlist      specify the DNS domain search list, seperate entries with ,
    -d seconds         dns entry lifetime of -D (defaults to 4096
    -M mtu             the MTU to send, defaults to the interface setting
    -s sourceip        the source ip of the router, defaults to your link local
    -S sourcemac       the source mac of the router, defaults to your interface
    -l seconds         router lifetime (defaults to 2048)
    -T ms              reachable timer (defaults to 0)
    -t ms              retrans timer (defaults to 0)
    -p priority        priority "low", "medium", "high" (default), "reserved"
    -F flags           Set one or more of the following flags: managed, other,
                     homeagent, proxy, reserved; seperate by comma
    -E type            Router Advertisement Guard Evasion option. Types:
       H             simple hop-by-hop header
       1             simple one-shot fragmentation header (can add multiple)
       D             insert a large destination header so that it fragments
       O             overlapping fragments for keep-first targets (Win, BSD, Mac)
       o             overlapping fragments for keep-last targets (Linux, Solaris)
                      Examples: -E H111, -E D
    -m mac-address    if only one machine should receive the RAs (not with -E DoO)
    -i interval       time between RA packets (default: 5)
    -n number         number of RAs to send (default: unlimited)
    Announce yourself as a router and try to become the default router.
    If a non-existing link-local or mac address is supplied, this results in a DOS.

    0x28 fake_router6 - 宣布自己作为一个路由器,并尝试成为缺省路由器。

    :~# fake_router6
    fake_router6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_router6 [-HFD] interface network-address/prefix-length [dns-server [router-ip-link-local [mtu [mac-address]]]]
    Announce yourself as a router and try to become the default router.
    If a non-existing link-local or mac address is supplied, this results in a DOS.
    Option -H adds hop-by-hop, -F fragmentation header and -D dst header.

    0x29 fake_solicitate6 - 在网络上Solicate IPv6地址

    :~# fake_solicitate6
    fake_solicitate6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fake_solicitate6 [-DHF] interface ip-address-solicitated [target-address [mac-address-solicitated [source-ip-address]]]
    Solicate ipv6 address on the network, sending it to the all-nodes multicast address

    0x30 firewall6 - 执行各种ACL旁路尝试检查实施

    :~# firewall6
    firewall6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: firewall6 [-u] interface destination port [test-case-no]
    Performs various ACL bypass attempts to check implementations.
    Defaults to TCP ports, option -u switches to UDP.
    For all test cases to work, ICMPv6 ping to thhe destination must be allowed.

    0x31 flood_advertise6 - 洪水本地网络与相邻节点通告


    0x32 flood_dhcpc6 - DHCP客户端泛洪

    :~# flood_dhcpc6
    flood_dhcpc6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: flood_dhcpc6 [-n|-N] [-1] [-d] interface [domain-name]
    DHCP client flooder. Use to deplete the IP address pool a DHCP6 server is
    offering. Note: if the pool is very large, this is rather senseless. :-)
    By default the link-local IP MAC address is random, however this won't work
    in some circumstances. -n will use the real MAC, -N the real MAC and
    link-local address. -1 will only solicate an address but not request it.
    If -N is not used, you should run parasite6 in parallel.
    Use -d to force DNS updates, you can specify a domain name on the commandline.

    0x33 flood_mld26 - 洪水本地网络与MLDv2的报告

    :~# flood_mld26
    flood_mld26 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: flood_mld26 interface
    Flood the local network with MLDv2 reports.

    0x34 flood_mld6 - 洪水本地网络与MLD报告

    :~# flood_mld6
    flood_mld6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: flood_mld6 interface
    Flood the local network with MLD reports.

    0x35 flood_mldrouter6 - 洪水本地网络与MLD路由器公告

    :~# flood_mldrouter6
    flood_mldrouter6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: flood_mldrouter6 interface
    Flood the local network with MLD router advertisements.

    0x36 flood_router26 - 洪水本地网络与路由器公告

    :~# flood_router26
    flood_router26 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: flood_router26 [-HFD] [-s] [-RPA] interface
    Flood the local network with router advertisements.
    Each packet contains 17 prefix and route enries
    -F/-D/-H add fragment/destination/hopbyhop header to bypass RA guard security.
    -R does only send routing entries, no prefix information.
    -P does only send prefix information, no routing entries.
    -A is like -P but implements an attack by George Kargiotakis to disable privacy extensions
    The option -s uses small lifetimes, resulting in a more devasting impact

    0x37 flood_router6 - 洪水本地网络与路由器公告

    :~# flood_router6
    flood_router6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: flood_router6 [-HFD] interface
    Flood the local network with router advertisements.
    -F/-D/-H add fragment/destination/hopbyhop header to bypass RA guard security.

    0x38 flood_solicitate6 - 洪水的网络邻居请求

    :~# flood_solicitate6
    flood_solicitate6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: flood_solicitate6 interface [target]
    Flood the network with neighbor solicitations.

    0x39 fragmentation6 - 执行片段防火墙和实施检查

    :~# fragmentation6
    fragmentation6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fragmentation6 [-fp] [-n number] interface destination [test-case-no]
    -f activates flooding mode, no pauses between sends; -p disables first and
    final pings, -n number specifies how often each test is performed
    Performs fragment firewall and implementation checks, incl. denial-of-service.

    0x40 fuzz_ip6 - Fuzzes的ICMP6包

    :~# fuzz_ip6
    fuzz_ip6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: fuzz_ip6 [-x] [-t number | -T number] [-p number] [-IFSDHRJ] [-X|-1|-2|-3|-4|-5|-6|-7|-8|-9|-0 port] interface unicast-or-multicast-address [address-in-data-pkt]
    Fuzzes an icmp6 packet
    -X         do not add any ICMP/TCP header (tranport laye)
    -1         fuzz ICMP6 echo request (default)
    -2         fuzz ICMP6 neighbor solicitation
    -3         fuzz ICMP6 neighbor advertisement
    -4         fuzz ICMP6 router advertisement
    -5         fuzz multicast listener report packet
    -6         fuzz multicast listener done packet
    -7         fuzz multicast listener query packet
    -8         fuzz multicast listener v2 report packet
    -9         fuzz multicast listener v2 query packet
    -0         fuzz node query packet
    -s port    fuzz TCP-SYN packet against port
    -x         tries all 256 values for flag and byte types
    -t number  continue from test no. number
    -T number  only performs test no. number
    -p number  perform an alive check every number of tests (default: none)
    -a         do not perform initial and final alive test
    -n number  how many times to send each packet (default: 1)
    -I         fuzz the IP header too
    -F         add one-shot fragmentation, and fuzz it too (for 1)
    -S         add source-routing, and fuzz it too (for 1)
    -D         add destination header, and fuzz it too (for 1)
    -H         add hop-by-hop header, and fuzz it too (for 1 and 5-9)
    -R         add router alert header, and fuzz it too (for 5-9 and all)
    -J         add jumbo packet header, and fuzz it too (for 1)
    You can only define one of -0 ... -9 and -s, defaults to -1.
    Returns -1 on error, 0 on tests done and targt alive or 1 on target crash.

    0x41 implementation6 - 执行一些IPv6实现检查

    :~# implementation6
    implementation6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: implementation6 [-p] [-s sourceip6] interface destination [test-case-number]
    -s sourceip6  use the specified source IPv6 address
    -p            do not perform an alive check at the beginning and end
    Performs some ipv6 implementation checks, can be used to test some
    firewall features too. Takes approx. 2 minutes to complete.

    0x42 implementation6d - 由implementation6工具识别的测试包

    :~# implementation6d
    implementation6d v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: implementation6d interface
    Identifies test packets by the implementation6 tool, useful to check what
    packets passed a firewall

    0x43 inject_alive6 - 此工具答案,保活的PPPoE和6in4隧道技术隧道请求

    :~# inject_alive6
    inject_alive6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: inject_alive6 [-ap] interface
    This tool answers to keep-alive requests on PPPoE and 6in4 tunnels; for PPPoE
    it also sends keep-alive requests.
    Note that the appropriate environment variable THC_IPV6_{PPPOE|6IN4} must be set
    Option -a will actively send alive requests every 15 seconds.
    Option -p will not send replies to alive requests.

    0x44 inverse_lookup6 - 执行一个反向地址查询

    :~# inverse_lookup6
    inverse_lookup6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: inverse_lookup6 interface mac-address
    Performs an inverse address query, to get the IPv6 addresses that are assigned
    to a MAC address. Note that only few systems support this yet.

    0x45 kill_router6 - 宣布,路由器下降的目标,从路由表中删除

    :~# kill_router6
    kill_router6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: kill_router6 [-HFD] interface router-address [srcmac [dstmac]]
    Announce that a target a router going down to delete it from the routing tables.
    If you supply a '*' as router-address, this tool will sniff the network for any
    RA packet and immediately send the kill packet.
    Option -H adds hop-by-hop, -F fragmentation header and -D dst header.

    0x46 ndpexhaust26 - 洪水目标/ 64网络的ICMPv6 TooBig错误信息

    :~# ndpexhaust26
    ndpexhaust26 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: ndpexhaust26 [-acpPTUrR] [-s sourceip6] interface target-network
    -a      add a hop-by-hop header with router alert
    -c      do not calculate the checksum to save time
    -p      send ICMPv6 Echo Requests
    -P      send ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    -T      send ICMPv6 Time-to-live-exeeded
    -U      send ICMPv6 Unreachable (no route)
    -r      randomize the source from your /64 prefix
    -R      randomize the source fully
    -s sourceip6  use this as source ipv6 address
    Flood the target /64 network with ICMPv6 TooBig error messages.
    This tool version is manyfold more effective than ndpexhaust6.

    0x47 ndpexhaust6 - 洪水目标/ 64网络的ICMPv6 TooBig错误信息

    :~# ndpexhaust26
    ndpexhaust26 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: ndpexhaust26 [-acpPTUrR] [-s sourceip6] interface target-network
    -a      add a hop-by-hop header with router alert
    -c      do not calculate the checksum to save time
    -p      send ICMPv6 Echo Requests
    -P      send ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    -T      send ICMPv6 Time-to-live-exeeded
    -U      send ICMPv6 Unreachable (no route)
    -r      randomize the source from your /64 prefix
    -R      randomize the source fully
    -s sourceip6  use this as source ipv6 address
    Flood the target /64 network with ICMPv6 TooBig error messages.
    This tool version is manyfold more effective than ndpexhaust6.
    :~# ndpexhaust6
    ndpexhaust6 by mario fleischmann <
    Syntax: ndpexhaust6 interface destination-network [sourceip]
    Randomly pings IPs in target network

    0x48 node_query6 - 发送的ICMPv6节点查询请求到目标

    :~# node_query6
    node_query6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: node_query6 interface target
    Sends an ICMPv6 node query request to the target and dumps the replies.

    0x49 parasite6 - 这是一种“ARP欺骗者”对IPv6

    :~# parasite6
    parasite6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: parasite6 [-lRFHD] interface [fake-mac]
    This is an "ARP spoofer" for IPv6, redirecting all local traffic to your own
    system (or nirvana if fake-mac does not exist) by answering falsely to
    Neighbor Solitication requests
    Option -l loops and resends the packets per target every 5 seconds.
    Option -R will also try to inject the destination of the solicitation
    NS security bypass: -F fragment, -H hop-by-hop and -D large destination header

    0x50 passive_discovery6 - 被动嗅探网络和转储所有客户端的IPv6地址

    :~# passive_discovery6
    passive_discovery6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: passive_discovery6 [-Ds] [-m maxhop] [-R prefix] interface [script]
    -D          do also dump destination addresses (does not work with -m)
    -s          do only print the addresses, no other output
    -m maxhop   the maximum number of hops a target which is dumped may be away.
               0 means local only, the maximum amount to make sense is usually 5
    -R prefix   exchange the defined prefix with the link local prefix
    Passively sniffs the network and dump all client's IPv6 addresses detected.
    Note that in a switched environment you get better results when additionally
    starting parasite6, however this will impact the network.
    If a script name is specified after the interface, it is called with the
    detected ipv6 address as first and the interface as second option.

    0x51 randicmp6 - 发送的所有ICMPv6的类型和代码组合到目的地

    :~# randicmp6
    Syntax: randicmp6 [-s sourceip] interface destination [type [code]]
    Sends all ICMPv6 type and code combinations to destination.
    Option -s  sets the source ipv6 address.

    0x52 redir6 - 种植体路由到受害者的IP,它重定向所有到目标IP

    :~# redir6
    redir6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: redir6 interface victim-ip target-ip original-router new-router [new-router-mac] [hop-limit]
    Implant a route into victim-ip, which redirects all traffic to target-ip to
    new-ip. You must know the router which would handle the route.
    If the new-router-mac does not exist, this results in a DOS.
    If the TTL of the target is not 64, then specify this is the last option.

    0x53 redirsniff6 - 种植体路由到受害者的IP,它的所有流量重定向到目的地IP

    :~# redirsniff6
    redirsniff6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <
    Syntax: redirsniff6 interface victim-ip destination-ip original-router [new-router [new-router-mac]]
    Implant a route into victim-ip, which redirects all traffic to destination-ip to
    new-router. This is done on all traffic that flows by that matches
    victim->target. You must know the router which would handle the route.
    If the new-router/-mac does not exist, this results in a DOS.
    You can supply a wildcard ('*') for victim-ip and/or destination-ip.

    0x54 rsmurf6 - 蓝精灵受害者的本地网络

    :~# rsmurf6
    rsmurf6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <[email protected]>
    Syntax: rsmurf6 interface victim-ip
    Smurfs the local network of the victim. Note: this depends on an
    implementation error, currently only verified on Linux.
    Evil: "ff02::1" as victim will DOS your local LAN completely

    0x55 sendpees6 - 发送发送邻居请求消息

    root@kali:~# sendpees6
    sendpees6 by willdamn <[email protected]>
    usage: sendpees6 <inf> <key_length> <prefix> <victim>
    Send SEND neighbor solicitation messages and make target to verify a lota CGA and RSA signatures

    0x56 sendpeesmp6 - 发送发送邻居请求消息

    root@kali:~# sendpeesmp6
    original sendpees by willdamn <[email protected]>
    modified sendpeesMP by Marcin Pohl <[email protected]>
    Code based on thc-ipv6
    usage: sendpeesmp6 <inferface> <key_length> <prefix> <victim>
    Send SEND neighbor solicitation messages and make target to verify a lota CGA and RSA signatures
    Example: sendpeesmp6 eth0 2048 fe80:: fe80::1

    0x57 smurf6 - 蓝精灵的与ICMP回显应答目标

    root@kali:~# smurf6
    smurf6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <[email protected]>
    Syntax: smurf6 interface victim-ip [multicast-network-address]
    Smurf the target with icmp echo replies. Target of echo request is the
    local all-nodes multicast address if not specified

    0x58 thcping6 - 工艺的特殊ICMPv6回显请求报文

    root@kali:~# thcping6
    thcping6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <[email protected]>
    Syntax: thcping6 [-af] [-H o:s:v] [-D o:s:v] [-F dst] [-t ttl] [-c class] [-l label] [-d size] [-S port|-U port] interface src6 dst6 [srcmac [dstmac [data]]]
    Craft your special icmpv6 echo request packet.
    You can put an "x" into src6, srcmac and dstmac for an automatic value.
    -a              add a hop-by-hop header with router alert option.
    -q              add a hop-by-hop header with quickstart option.
    -E              send as ethertype IPv4
    -H o:s:v        add a hop-by-hop header with special content
    -D o:s:v        add a destination header with special content
    -D "xxx"        add a large destination header which fragments the packet
    -f              add a one-shot fragementation header
    -F ipv6address  use source routing to this final destination
    -t ttl          specify TTL (default: 64)
    -c class        specify a class (0-4095)
    -l label        specify a label (0-1048575)
    -d data_size    define the size of the ping data buffer
    -S port         use a TCP SYN packet on the defined port instead of ping
    -U port         use a UDP packet on the defined port instead of ping
    o:s:v syntax: option-no:size:value, value is in hex, e.g. 1:2:feab
    Returns -1 on error or no reply, 0 on normal reply or 1 on error reply.

    0x59 thcsyn6 - 洪水与TCP-SYN数据包的目标端口

    root@kali:~# thcsyn6
    thcsyn6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <[email protected]>
    Syntax: thcsyn6 [-AcDrRS] [-p port] [-s sourceip6] interface target port
    -A      send TCP-ACK packets
    -S      send TCP-SYN-ACK packets
    -r      randomize the source from your /64 prefix
    -R      randomize the source fully
    -s sourceip6  use this as source ipv6 address
    -D      randomize the destination (treat as /64)
    -p port       use fixed source port
    Flood the target port with TCP-SYN packets. If you supply "x" as port, it
    is randomized.

    0x60 toobig6 - 植入体指定的MTU目标

    root@kali:~# toobig6
    toobig6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <[email protected]>
    Syntax: toobig6 [-u] interface target-ip existing-ip mtu [hop-limit]
    Implants the specified mtu on the target.
    If the TTL of the target is not 64, then specify this as the last option.
    Option -u will send the TooBig without the spoofed ping6 from existing-ip.

    0x61 trace6 - 一个基本的,但非常快traceroute6的程序

    root@kali:~# trace6
    trace6 v2.3 (c) 2013 by van Hauser / THC <[email protected]>
    Syntax: trace6 [-abdt] [-s src6] interface targetaddress [port]
    -a       insert a hop-by-hop header with router alert option.
    -D       insert a destination extension header
    -E       insert a destination extension header with an invalid option
    -F       insert a one-shot fragmentation header
    -b       instead of an ICMP6 Ping, use TooBig (you will not see the target)
    -B       instead of an ICMP6 Ping, use PingReply (you will not see the target)
    -d       resolves the IPv6 addresses to DNS.
    -t       enables tunnel detection
    -s src6  specifies the source IPv6 address
    Maximum hop reach: 31
    A basic but very fast traceroute6 program.
    If no port is specified, ICMP6 Ping requests are used, otherwise TCP SYN
    packets to the specified port. Options D, E and F can be use multiple times.

    0x62 address6用法示例


    root@kali:~# address6 fe80::76d4:35ff:fe4e:39c8
    root@kali:~# address6 74:d4:35:4e:39:c8

    0x63 alive6用法示例

    root@kali:~# alive6 eth0
    Alive: fd77:7c68:420a:1:426c:8fff:fe1b:cb90 [ICMP parameter problem]
    Alive: fd77:7c68:420a:1:20c:29ff:fee5:5bf4 [ICMP echo-reply]
    Alive: fd77:7c68:420a:1:75d9:4f39:a46a:6f83 [ICMP echo-reply]
    Alive: fd77:7c68:420a:1:6912:8e80:e02f:1969 [ICMP echo-reply]
    Alive: fd77:7c68:420a:1:201:6cff:fe6f:ddd1 [ICMP echo-reply]

    0x64 检测-新IP6用法示例

    root@kali:~# detect-new-ip6 eth0
    Started ICMP6 DAD detection (Press Control-C to end) ...
    Detected new ip6 address: fe80::85d:9879:9251:853a

    0x65 dnsdict6用法示例

    root@kali:~# dnsdict6
    Starting DNS enumeration work on ...
    Starting enumerating - creating 8 threads for 798 words...
    Estimated time to completion: 1 to 2 minutes => 2606:2800:220:6d:26bf:1447:1097:aa7


results matching ""

    No results matching ""