GoLismero是安全性测试的开源框架。它是目前面向网络的安全性,但它可以很容易地扩展到其他类型的扫描。 该框架的最有趣的特点是:
- 真正的平台独立性。经测试在Windows,Linux,* BSD和OS X.
- 没有机库的依赖关系。所有的框架的已被写入在纯Python。
- 当写在Python和其他脚本语言等框架比较不错的表现。
- 使用非常简单。
- 插件的开发是非常简单的。
- 该框架还收集和统一的知名工具的结果:一个SqlMap,xsser,openvas,dnsrecon,theharvester
- 集成有标准:CWE,CVE和OWASP。
- 专为集群部署记(尚未公布)。 资料来源:https://github.com/golismero/golismero
- 作者:丹尼尔·加西亚
- 许可:GPL第二版
0x01 包含在golismero软件包工具
golismero - Web应用程序映射:~# golismero -h /----------------------------------------------\ | GoLismero 2.0.0b3 - The Web Knife | | Contact: golismero.project<@>gmail.com | | | | Daniel Garcia Garcia a.k.a cr0hn (@ggdaniel) | | Mario Vilas (@Mario_Vilas) | \----------------------------------------------/ usage: golismero.py COMMAND [TARGETS...] [--options] SCAN: Perform a vulnerability scan on the given targets. Optionally import results from other tools and write a report. The arguments that follow may be domain names, IP addresses or web pages. PROFILES: Show a list of available config profiles. This command takes no arguments. PLUGINS: Show a list of available plugins. This command takes no arguments. INFO: Show detailed information on a given plugin. The arguments that follow are the plugin IDs. You can use glob-style wildcards. REPORT: Write a report from an earlier scan. This command takes no arguments. To specify output files use the -o switch. IMPORT: Import results from other tools and optionally write a report, but don't scan the targets. This command takes no arguments. To specify input files use the -i switch. DUMP: Dump the database from an earlier scan in SQL format. This command takes no arguments. To specify output files use the -o switch. UPDATE: Update GoLismero to the latest version. Requires Git to be installed and available in the PATH. This command takes no arguments. examples: scan a website and show the results on screen: golismero.py scan http://www.example.com grab Nmap results, scan all hosts found and write an HTML report: golismero.py scan -i nmap_output.xml -o report.html grab results from OpenVAS and show them on screen, but don't scan anything: golismero.py import -i openvas_output.xml show a list of all available configuration profiles: golismero.py profiles show a list of all available plugins: golismero.py plugins show information on all bruteforcer plugins: golismero.py info brute_* dump the database from a previous scan: golismero.py dump -db example.db -o dump.sql
0x02 golismero用法示例
运行漏洞扫描 (扫描) 对输入文件 (-i /root/port80.xml) 的目标,将输出保存到文件 (-o SUB1-port80.html):
:~# golismero scan -i /root/port80.xml -o sub1-port80.html