
实施采用PSK的认证(如WPA-Personal)的对WPA / WPA2网络脱机字典攻击。许多企业网络中部署的WPA / WPA2 PSK的认证机制,因为它比建立需要WPA-Enterprise身份验证所需的RADIUS,请求者和证书颁发机构的架构要容易得多。 Cowpatty可以实现加速攻击如果一个预先计算的PMK的文件都可以用于正在进行评估的SSID。 资料来源: />

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  • 作者:约书亚·赖特
  • 许可:GPL第二版

    0x01 包含在cowpatty包工具

    cowpatty - WPA-PSK字典攻击
    :~# cowpatty -h
    cowpatty 4.6 - WPA-PSK dictionary attack. <
    Usage: cowpatty [options]
      -f  Dictionary file
      -d  Hash file (genpmk)
      -r  Packet capture file
      -s  Network SSID (enclose in quotes if SSID includes spaces)
      -c  Check for valid 4-way frames, does not crack
      -h  Print this help information and exit
      -v  Print verbose information (more -v for more verbosity)
      -V  Print program version and exit

    0x02 genpmk - WPA-PSK预计算攻击

    :~# genpmk -h
    genpmk 1.1 - WPA-PSK precomputation attack. <
    Usage: genpmk [options]
      -f  Dictionary file
      -d  Output hash file
      -s  Network SSID
      -h  Print this help information and exit
      -v  Print verbose information (more -v for more verbosity)
      -V  Print program version and exit
    After precomputing the hash file, run cowpatty with the -d argument.

    0x03 genpmk用法示例

    使用随机提供的字典文件 (-f /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst)生成 hashfile,将其保存到一个文件 (-d cowpatty_dict) 为给定的 ESSID(-s安联):
:~# genpmk -f /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst -d cowpatty_dict -s securenet
genpmk 1.1 - WPA-PSK precomputation attack. <
File cowpatty_dict does not exist, creating.
key no. 1000: pinkgirl
1641 passphrases tested in 4.09 seconds:  401.35 passphrases/second

0x04 cowpatty用法示例

使用随机提供的 hashfile(-d cowpatty_dict), 读取数据包捕获 (-r天命-20140515-16-21-37-1.pcapdump), 以及破解的密码给定的 ESSID(-s 6F36E6):

:~# cowpatty -d cowpatty_dict -r Kismet-20140515-16-21-37-1.pcapdump -s 6F36E6
cowpatty 4.6 - WPA-PSK dictionary attack. <


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