0x01 RSMangler包装说明

RSMangler将采取单词一览并对其执行类似于由约翰开膛的主要区别在于,它首先将对所述输入字和生成的所有排列和字样的缩写(为了它们出现在文件中)完成的各种操作之前它适用的轧液的其余部分。 资料来源:http://www.digininja.org/projects/rsmangler.php

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  • 作者:RandomStorm有限公司,罗宾木业
  • 许可:知识共享署名 - 相同方式分享2.0

    0x02 包含在rsmangler包工具

    rsmangler - 单词表的mangling工具

    :~# rsmangler -h
    rsmangler v 1.4 Robin Wood (
    ) <www.randomstorm.com>
    To pass the initial words in on standard in do:
    cat wordlist.txt | ./rsmangler.rb --file - > new_wordlist.rb
    All options are ON by default, these parameters turn them OFF
    Usage: rsmangler.rb [OPTION]
      --help, -h: show help
      --file, -f: the input file, use - for STDIN
      --max, -x: maximum word length
      --min, -m: minimum word length
      --perms, -p: permutate all the words
      --double, -d: double each word
      --reverse, -r: reverser the word
      --leet, -t: l33t speak the word
      --full-leet, -T: all posibilities l33t
      --capital, -c: capitalise the word
      --upper, -u: uppercase the word
      --lower, -l: lowercase the word
      --swap, -s: swap the case of the word
      --ed, -e: add ed to the end of the word
      --ing, -i: add ing to the end of the word
      --punctuation: add common punctuation to the end of the word
      --years, -y: add all years from 1990 to current year to start and end
      --acronym, -a: create an acronym based on all the words entered in order and add to word list
      --common, -C: add the following words to start and end: admin, sys, pw, pwd
      --pna: add 01 - 09 to the end of the word
      --pnb: add 01 - 09 to the beginning of the word
      --na: add 1 - 123 to the end of the word
      --nb: add 1 - 123 to the beginning of the word
      --force - don't check ooutput size
      --space - add spaces between words

    0x03 rsmangler用法示例

    使用原始单词一览 (猫words.txt |)和 碾压话用的8 6(-m 6)和 最大长度 (-x 8) 的最小长度,使用标准输入作为输入 (-file - )和 重定向的结果来一个新的词表 (> mangled.txt):

 :~# cat words.txt | rsmangler -m 6 -x 8 --file - > mangled.txt

 :~# wc -l mangled.txt 
367 mangled.txt

 :~# wc -l words.txt 
3 words.txt


results matching ""

    No results matching ""