
sslcaudit项目的目标是开发一个工具来测试SSL / TLS客户端自动进行对MITM攻击性。这可能是用于测试胖客户端,移动应用,家电,几乎任何SSL通信的有益/ TLS通过TCP。 资料来源:

sslcaudit首页 | 卡利sslcaudit回购

  • 作者:Gremwell
  • 许可:GPLv3的

    0x01 包含在sslcaudit包工具

    sslcaudit - 测试SSL / TLS客户易患MITM攻击
    :~# sslcaudit -h
    Usage: sslcaudit [OPTIONS]
    --version             show program's version number and exit
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -l LISTEN_ON          Specify IP address and TCP PORT to listen on, in
                          format of HOST:PORT. Default is
    -m MODULES            Launch specific modules. For now the only functional
                          module is 'sslcert'. There is also 'dummy' module used
                          for internal testing or as a template code for new
                          modules. Default is sslcert
    -v VERBOSE            Increase verbosity level. Default is 0. Try 1.
    -d DEBUG_LEVEL        Set debug level. Default is 0, which disables
                          debugging output. Try 1 to enable it.
    -c NCLIENTS           Number of clients to handle before quitting. By
                          default sslcaudit will quit as soon as it gets one
                          client fully processed.
    -N TEST_NAME          Set the name of the test. If specified will appear in
                          the leftmost column in the output.
    -T SELF_TEST          Launch self-test. 0 - plain TCP client, 1 - CN
                          verifying client, 2 - curl.
    --user-cn=USER_CN     Set user-specified CN.
    --server=SERVER       Where to fetch the server certificate from, in
                          HOST:PORT format.
                          Set path to file containing the user-supplied
                          Set path to file containing the user-supplied key.
                          Set path to file containing certificate for user-
                          supplied CA.
                          Set path to file containing key for user-supplied CA.
    --no-default-cn       Do not use default CN
    --no-self-signed      Don't try self-signed certificates
                          Do not sign server certificates with user-supplied one

    0x02 sslcaudit用法示例

    监听443端口 (-L 在详细模式 (-v 1):
:~# sslcaudit -l -v 1
# filebag location: sslcaudit.1  selfsigned(                                  tlsv1 alert unknown ca


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