Doona是猜解的一个分支漏洞检测工具(大床)。床是其目的是检查守护程序潜在的缓冲区溢出,格式串漏洞等程序 Doona是澳大利亚的羽绒被。它增加了一个显著多项功能/改变睡觉。 资料来源:
- 作者:wireghoul
- 许可:GPL第二版
0x01 包含在doona包工具
doona - 从床上网络模糊器叉:~# doona -h Doona 0.7 by Wireghoul ( based on BED by mjm and snakebyte Usage: ./ -m [module] <options> -m <module> = FINGER/FTP/HTTP/IMAP/IRC/LPD/PJL/POP/PROXY/RTSP/SMTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS5/TFTP/WHOIS -t <target> = Host to check (default: localhost) -p <port> = Port to connect to (default: module specific standard port) -o <timeout> = seconds to wait after each test (default: 2 seconds) -r <index> = Resumes fuzzing at test case index -d = Dump test case to stdout (use in combination with -r) -M <num> = Exit after executing <num> number of fuzz cases -h = Help (this text) use "./ -m [module] -h" for module specific option. Only -m is a mandatory switch.
0x02 doona用法示例
使用HTTP插件 (-m HTTP),以 模糊化目标 (-t, 后5 例(-M 5) 停止::~# doona -m HTTP -t -M 5 Doona 0.7 by Wireghoul ( based on BED by mjm and snakebyte + Buffer overflow testing 1/37 [XAXAX] ...... Max requests (5) completed, index: 5