测试SMTP用户枚举(RCPT TO和VRFY),内部欺诈和继电器。
- 作者:奥尔顿·约翰逊
0x01 包含在ismtp包工具
ismtp - SMTP用户枚举和测试工具
:~# ismtp --------------------------------------------------------------------- iSMTP v1.6 - SMTP Server Tester, Alton Johnson ( ) ------ Usage: ./ <OPTIONS> Required: -f <import file> Imports a list of SMTP servers for testing. (Cannot use with '-h'.) -h <host> The target IP and port (IP:port). (Cannot use with '-f'.) Spoofing: -i <isa email> The ISA's email address. -s <sndr email> The sender's email address. -r <rcpt email> The recipient's email address. --sr <email> Specifies both the sender's and recipient's email address. -S <sndr name> The sender's first and last name. -R <rcpt name> The recipient's first and last name. --SR <name> Specifies both the sender's and recipient's first and last name. -m Enables SMTP spoof testing. -a Includes .txt attachment with spoofed email. SMTP enumeration: -e <file> Enable SMTP user enumeration testing and imports email list. -l <1|2|3> Specifies enumeration type (1 = VRFY, 2 = RCPT TO, 3 = all). (Default is 3.) SMTP relay: -i <isa email> The ISA's email address. -x Enables SMTP external relay testing. Misc: -t <secs> The timeout value. (Default is 10.) -o Creates "ismtp-results" directory and writes output to ismtp-results/smtp_<service>_<ip>(port).txt Note: Any combination of options is supported (e.g., enumeration, relay, both, all, etc.).
0x02 iSMTP用法示例
测试从文件中IP地址从字典文件 (-e /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt) 列举的用户名 列表(-f SMTP-ips.txt):
:~# ismtp -f smtp-ips.txt -e /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt
iSMTP v1.6 - SMTP Server Tester, Alton Johnson (
Testing SMTP server [user enumeration]:
Emails provided for testing: 109
Performing SMTP VRFY test...
[-] 4Dgifts ------------- [ invalid ]
[-] EZsetup ------------- [ invalid ]
[+] ROOT ---------------- [ success ]
[+] adm ----------------- [ success ]