
摆脱枚举是RID骑自行车的攻击,试图通过空会话和SID与RID枚举枚​​举用户帐户。如果您指定一个密码文件,它会自动尝试暴力破解用户帐户时,其完成枚举。 资料来源:https://github.com/trustedsec/ridenum

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  • 作者:TrustedSec,LLC
  • 许可:BSD

    0x01 包含在ridenum包工具

    ridenum - 空会话RID周期攻击工具 ```bash

    :~# ridenum .__ _ _ . . . . | \ | | | \ | __|| \ | | | | | | | \/ | | |) | | | | .--. | | | | | | | | | | | \ / | | / | | | | | | | | | . | | | | | | |\/| | | |\ \----.| | | '--' | | |____ | |\ | |--' | | | | | | | `.__||| |_/ _|_||| \| __/ || ||


    Written by: David Kennedy (ReL1K) Company: https://www.trustedsec.com Twitter: @TrustedSec Twitter: @Dave_ReL1K Rid Enum is a RID cycling attack that attempts to enumerate user accounts through null sessions and the SID to RID enum. If you specify a password file, it will automatically attempt to brute force the user accounts when its finished enumerating.

  • RID_ENUM is open source and uses all standard python libraries minus python-pexpect. - You can also specify an already dumped username file, it needs to be in the DOMAINNAME\USERNAME format. Example: ./rid_enum.py 500 50000 /root/dict.txt Usage: ./rid_enum.py ```

    0x02 ridenum用法示例

    连接到远程服务器 ( 和周期从RID 500〜50000(500 50000), 使用给定的密码文件 (/tmp/passes.txt):

 :~# ridenum 500 50000 /tmp/passes.txt
[*] Attempting lsaquery first...This will enumerate the base domain SID
[*] Successfully enumerated base domain SID.. Moving on to extract via RID
[*] Enumerating user accounts.. This could take a little while.


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