
演示专有思科LEAP网络的一个严重缺陷。由于LEAP使用MS-CHAPv2的一个变体的身份验证交换,很容易加速离线字典攻击。 Asleap也可以攻击点点对点隧道协议(PPTP),以及任何MS-CHAPv2的交流,你可以在命令行上指定的挑战和响应值。 资料来源:

Asleap首页 | 卡利Asleap回购

  • 作者:约书亚·赖特
  • 许可:GPL第二版

    0x01 包含在asleap包工具

    asleap - 积极恢复LEAP / PPTP密码
    :~# asleap -h
    asleap 2.2 - actively recover LEAP/PPTP passwords. <
    Usage: asleap [options]
      -r  Read from a libpcap file
      -i  Interface to capture on
      -f  Dictionary file with NT hashes
      -n  Index file for NT hashes
      -s  Skip the check to make sure authentication was successful
      -h  Output this help information and exit
      -v  Print verbose information (more -v for more verbosity)
      -V  Print program version and exit
      -C  Challenge value in colon-delimited bytes
      -R  Response value in colon-delimited bytes
      -W  ASCII dictionary file (special purpose)

    0x02 genkeys - 生成asleap查找文件

    :~# genkeys
    genkeys 2.2 - generates lookup file for asleap. <
    genkeys: Must supply -r -f and -n
    Usage: genkeys [options]
      -r  Input dictionary file, one word per line
      -f  Output pass+hash filename
      -n  Output index filename
      -h  Last 2 hash bytes to filter with (optional)

    0x03 genkeys用法示例

    读在一个词典 文件*
  • (-r /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst), 提供输出文件名 ​​(-f asleap.dat), 和一个输出索引文件名 ​​(-n asleap.idx):
:~# genkeys -r /usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst -f asleap.dat -n asleap.idx
genkeys 2.2 - generates lookup file for asleap. <
Generating hashes for passwords (this may take some time) ...Done.
5085 hashes written in 0.29 seconds:  17463.18 hashes/second
Starting sort (be patient) ...Done.
Completed sort in 16254 compares.
Creating index file (almost finished) ...Done.

0x04 asleap用法示例

读捕获文件 (-r leap.dump), 提供hashfile文件名 ​​(-f asleap.dat), 该hashfile 指数(-n asleap.idx), 并跳过认证检查 (-s):

:~# asleap -r leap.dump -f asleap.dat -n asleap.idx -s
asleap 2.2 - actively recover LEAP/PPTP passwords. <
Captured LEAP exchange information:
    username:          qa_leap
    challenge:         0786aea0215bc30a
    response:          7f6a14f11eeb980fda11bf83a142a8744f00683ad5bc5cb6
    hash bytes:        4a39
    NT hash:           a1fc198bdbf5833a56fb40cdd1a64a39
    password:          qaleap


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