Statsprocessor是根据每个位置马尔可夫攻击打包到一个独立的二进制高性能字发生器。 资料来源:
Statsprocessor首页 | 卡利Statsprocessor回购
- 作者:凌
0x01 包含在statsprocessor包工具
statsprocessor - 高性能字生成基于hashcat马尔可夫统计 ```bash
:~# statsprocessor --help sp by atom, High-Performance word generator based on hashcat markov stats Usage: ./sp.bin [options]... hcstat-file [filter-mask]
- Startup: -V, --version Print version -h, --help Print help
- Increment:
--pw-min=NUM Start incrementing at NUM --pw-max=NUM Stop incrementing at NUM
- Markov:
--markov-disable Emulates maskprocessor output --markov-classic No per-position tables --threshold=NUM Filter out chars after NUM chars added Set to 0 to disable
- Misc:
--combinations Calculate number of combinations --hex-charset Assume charset is given in hex
- Resources: -s, --skip=NUM skip number of words (for restore) -l, --limit=NUM limit number of words (for distributed)
- Files: -o, --output-file=FILE Output-file
- Custom charsets: -1, --custom-charset1=CS User-defineable charsets -2, --custom-charset2=CS Example: -3, --custom-charset3=CS --custom-charset1=?dabcdef -4, --custom-charset4=CS sets charset ?1 to 0123456789abcdef
Built-in charsets: ?l = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ?u = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ?d = 0123456789 ?s = !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ ?a = ?l?u?d?s ?h = 8 bit characters from 0xc0 - 0xff ?D = 8 bit characters from german alphabet ?F = 8 bit characters from french alphabet ?R = 8 bit characters from russian alphabet
## 0x02 statsprocessor用法示例 生成使用提供的文件中的统计信息 *(/usr/share/oclhashcat/hashcat.hcstat)* 为 *6(-pw分钟= 6)* 和 *8(-pw-最大值= 8)的最大* 长度的最小长度的密码: ```bash :~# statsprocessor --pw-min=6 --pw-max=8 /usr/share/oclhashcat/hashcat.hcstat 13nger 13aner 13rina 13erer 13ller 131200 13ster 13iner